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10 Days Until Santa Launches

10 Days Until Santa Launches

Santa Claus launches from the North Pole in just ten days, folks.

10 Days Until Launch

For many people that means Santa takes off on December 23rd. You see, his exact time of launch depends on where you live. If you’re not paying attention, you might miss it.

Santa takes off just as Christmas Eve dawns in the far eastern time zones of the South Pacific. That is where it will be Christmas Eve first.

If you live way out there over the waters of the beautiful South Pacific it will be midnight on Christmas Eve morning when Santa launches. But if you live in the Western Hemisphere, that’s actually the very early morning hours of December 23rd.

This is why we have a countdown clock on every official North Pole website. Knowing when Santa launches should help you plan your Christmas Eve.

The single most popular question we receive here at the North Pole is “When will Santa get to my house?”

Generally speaking, Santa arrives some time between the hours of 11pm on December 24th (local time) and 2am December 25th (local time).

You will want to keep track of Santa’s progress right here on SantaUpdate.com or by listening to North Pole Radio News via Kringle Radio (also playing right here).

There will be a lot of breaking news over the next ten days. Keep your browser tuned right here for the latest information.

Elf Max

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My wish I told to santa and when he come to my home