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44 Weeks Until Christmas

Hi ho, hi ho, only 44 weeks to go until Christmas. The countdown only seems to go by faster!

44 Weeks Until Christmas

Mrs. Claus told me this week to get ready for what she calls the Christmas Baking Expo. That sounds delicious, does it not?

It all began a couple of years ago around Easter-time.

The Ladies Auxiliary here at the North Pole sponsored a recipe exchange for summer salads. That got some of the lady elves talking after it was successfully pulled off and someone suggested the same kind of thing but for Christmas baking.

Well, one thing led to another, including a great Saturday event during Christmas in July that was part Christmas bake-off and part Christmas charity raffle.

They held a contest, judged the goodies and then auctioned them off for charity.

There were Christmas cookies, Christmas cakes, Gingerbread houses and fudge – all in July.

Well, like many things elf related at the North Pole it has just become bigger and bigger.

Mrs. Claus tells me it turned into a Spring-time event featuring Christmas foods from around the world.

Recipes are shared, workshops are held and new foods are shared. It’s a massively popular event and Mrs. Claus wants me to share news of it.

It’s coming up in May this year and I’m told it will be bigger than ever.

We’re even going to use the event to share some of the best recipes here on SantaUpdate.com.

Now, I’ll be honest. I’m not much in the kitchen. My mother tried with me but I’m honestly more of an eater than I am a preparer of foods.

But Mrs. Claus has a way of making food stuff magic. She swears she will make a foodie of me!

So I’m going to get into the Christmas Baking Expo. I may even try to make bread, something Mrs. Claus says is only for the pure in heart.

I’m pure in heart, right?

Well, at least I wanna be.

Keep your eye out for news this week from the North Pole – starting with the scheduled chat with Elf Max on Monday!

Elf Trixie

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I can’t wait to see the recipes on this website Elf Trixie and the chat room, I’m so excited that this website is getting better and better every year, keep up the good work North Pole🎅🏼🤶❄⛄⛄⛄⛄

Wow, I bet Mrs.Clause does alot of baking at the North Pole and that everyone loves to help her, that sounds pretty exciting🍪🎂🍰☕keep up the good work everyone at the North Pole.🎅🏼🤶❄⛄