Understanding Bedtime Advisories
Knowing what time to go to bed on Christmas Eve can be difficult. That is why Santa offers a posting of bedtime advisories at NorthPoleFlightCommand.com.
Santa knows that Christmas Eve is the biggest family night of the year. In many cases, family or local tradition calls for staying up extra late. That is why Santa calls them “bedtime advisories”. They are just suggestions, not a rule.
When NorthPoleFlightCommand.com posts bedtime advisories they are just letting you know that Santa is in the area and will be coming to your home soon.
Of course, Santa knows you and your family. In most cases he has been coming to your home for many years. He is aware of your traditions and Christmas Eve routines. He does NOT want to disrupt those.
That is part of the reason why you see Santa hop around so much on the Santa tracker map or why you might see him return to an area he was previously.
To learn more about bedtime advisories and why we have them, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.
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Thank you, Elf Harold! I remembered that the last bed advisory in my country was 7:30 PM, and I had dinner then. I heard the announcements made 3 hours before Santa came to your place. Thank you, Elf Crash; we must arrange to go to bed so Santa can deliver smoothly and safely. I’m curious about Elf Frank and Elf Crash not sleeping during their radio show! Thank you, and Merry Christmas! XD