Santa Tracking Starts This Week — Are you ready?
Santa likes to call what happens here at the North Pole Operation Merry Christmas. It is a complex event that ...
How to Find the REAL Santa Claus Online
Santa knows that a lot of you have questions about him and that some of you may be looking for ...
Never Pay Money to See or Talk to Santa
Just after Halloween the letters started flowing into the North Pole. Many kids write with questions and we do our ...
The Countdown to the Countdown Begins
Santa was in quite a hurry today. He rushed from department to department here at the North Pole, shaking hands ...
North Pole Halloween Party Described as “Organized Chaos”
The Halloween party at the North Pole is always one of the most anticipated events of the year. This year’s ...
Mail to the North Pole Jumps after Santa’s Interview Published
Within minutes of posting Santa's Annual Interview email sent to the North Pole starting pouring in by the thousands. Elf ...
Elves Take a Day Off for Labor Day
The North Pole closed down yesterday to celebrate Labor Day. When I asked Santa why we celebrate Labor Day which ...
Introducing an All New Santa
You may have noticed a few changes around here -- we've been busy! Over the weekend Santa approved the new ...
Santa Seeks Summer Fun in North America
Santa and Mrs. Claus took a sleigh down toward the Canadian/U.S border over the weekend to meet with a group ...