Introducing the North Pole Podcast

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Introducing the North Pole Podcast

North Pole PodcastIt’s a big historic day here at the North Pole and here on We’re proud to announce the first episode of the North Pole Podcast.

The North Pole Podcast is an idea we have been exploring for a long, long time. Santa felt it was time we finally do it.

His goal is to use podcasting as a way to reach more people and share more information.

We do not know how many out there listen to podcasts but if what we see here with the North Pole Radio news we share is any indication we think the podcast will be a way to reach a lot more folks.

Especially, uh, older folks.

Let me explain.

Santa has a way of calling any kind of believer a “kid”. He is always saying “The kids will like this” or “We should do this for the kids”. When Santa talks like that he is not always talking about children.

Some of the “kids” who write into the North Pole are really adults. Some are 60 years old or 80 years old even.

Santa thinks some of these older “kids” will be the podcast listeners out there. But we know that children out there will enjoy it too.

The North Pole Podcast will provide new and exciting information about the North Pole. So many have questions about who we as elves are and what it is like to live at the North Pole. They want to know all the stuff that goes on behind the scenes in support of Santa.

That is why the North Pole Podcast is needed.

We hope you enjoy it.

Elf Ernest

4 replies
  1. Emma says:

    I love them too are you on Emily because if you are not you should because we need all the help we can get on there so you can join if you want to

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