The latest North Pole Radio News Reports as broadcast at the North Pole.

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Santa’s Sleigh Takes One Last Test Flight

Santa's sleigh has just launched on it's final test flight of this season. The final test flight of Santa's sleigh is a North Pole Christmas Eve tradition. I honestly don't think the sleigh needs this last flight, I'm sure it is just fine.…
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Santa’s Workshop Completes Its Mission

Wow, this is a shocker: Santa's workshop is done! They have completed their mission and elves working in the workshop are either dispersing to help in other departments or they are headed over to the Claus residence for the traditional North…
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North Pole Post Office Sees a Surge in Mail

Hello! So much news is going on already here at the North Pole and elsewhere around the world. I just received a call from Elf Hugo at the North Pole Post Office. He does not report any problems but he suggested that if there are elves at…
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Rumors Flying at the North Pole

Ok, something is happening. I don't know what. Rumors of a lot of different stuff are flying here at the North Pole. I know some stuff. But I can't say anything yet. But it will be BIG news. Meanwhile, we just had this live report on…
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Rumors Out of Santa’s Workshop

Greetings! I just received a phone call from a friend working in Santa's workshop. Something is going on there. We're trying to get confirmation. My friend tells me he's never seen anything like this in the 742 years he has worked in the…
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Sector 1 Has More Santa Trackers This Year

Santa Trackers all over the world are on the job already. Well, at least the trackers who work for Santa. In Sector 1, there appears to be more Santa tracker elves than ever, according to the latest report on Kringle Radio News: World-wide,…
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North Pole Websites Swamped with Visitors

With news breaking in the past hour that Christmas Eve is starting in parts of the world the websites of the North Pole have seen a surge in visitors. All over the globe folks are checking in on Santa's status. So far, we show more than…
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Christmas Eve Begins

It may not be Christmas Eve where you or...or maybe it is! This why we posted about Sectors yesterday. We want you to understand just where it is Christmas and where it is not. For some folks, it has started. Here is the latest Kringle Radio…
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Confidence High as Christmas Nears

We have lots of breaking news all of a sudden. It appears this is going to be one very busy weekend. First of all, as you read earlier, the North Pole Post Office has activated Stocking Mail. Almost immediately after that announcement we…
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Report from the Thanksgiving Day Elf Parade

Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! It is a snowy Thanksgiving at the North Pole and that has made for challenging conditions for the annual North Pole Thanksgiving Day Elf Parade. Nevertheless, elves on trikes and marching bands paraded their…
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Why the North Pole Loves Thanksgiving

The elves over at the North Pole Post Office tell me they are getting a lot of mail about Thanksgiving. They say people want to know why it is such a big deal at the North Pole. I think it is a fair question. Thanksgiving is an ancient…
Elf name
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The Art of Choosing an Elf Name

Hey everybody! We’re on the verge of a big week at the North Pole – it’s Thanksgiving and the start of Operation Merry Christmas. There is much to share with you this weekend about that. We’d like to congratulate the hard working…