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North Pole Post Office Urges Use of Stocking Mail

1219Mail is pouring into the North Pole in record amounts and Elf Hugo is getting concerned that not everything can reach Santa before Christmas.

“Sending a letter now could be a real problem,” Elf Hugo said. “Santa prefers a letter on paper, written in a child’s own hand, even if it is in crayon. But getting such a letter into Santa’s hand at this late stage is tough. The quickest way to get it here is not to post it with a stamp through the post office any more. Use stocking mail at this point.”

What is stocking mail?

If your stocking is already hung it can serve as a mailbox for the North Pole. Just stuff your stocking with your letters and an elf will swing by your house to pick it up. Stockings have that ability to be a two-way conduit for Santa.

Elf Ernest


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