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Five Months Until Christmas Eve

sleigh4Hi everyone!

Christmas in July might be a fun time for some people of the world but for us it means we’ve gone into high gear. Christmas Eve is only five months from today!

There is so much to do.

Santa’s post office is getting ready for lots of new mail this year. Recently Elf Hugo installed a bunch of new computers, several new fax machines, and lots of sorting tables for the mail they expect Santa to receive.

“We have a new system this year,” Elf Hugo said. “It will push mail to Santa 24 hours a day no matter where he is. Santa has a smartphone and can start and stop the stream whenever he needs to. But we on our end can keep pushing it his way. We don’t have to stop for him to catch up.”

It you want to send Santa an email, just go to this page.

Santa handles the mail in a way that baffles most of us. How he can read it all is a miracle. He keeps several clerks busy with his response to the mail he receives. He cannot answer every letter and not every person who writes Santa asks for a reply. But for some letters he simply must reply.

Sometimes Santa answers right away, others he waits. Sometimes he will answer a letter in person and only on Christmas Eve. It just depends on the situation.

Yes, Santa gets mail at this time of the year. Some would say even a lot of mail comes in for Santa in July. But it is nothing like what will come in later in December.

Before I sign off, another update on that large project Elf Agent X is putting up: some have written in to guess what they could be building out there.

Some think it is a new spy center with cameras that Santa has in houses all over the world.

I asked Santa about that and he said there is no way he would ever do such a thing.

Others say the hole is a new barn to house thousands of new reindeer that will come work at the North Pole. Elf Victor says he would love a new barn but that he would never put it in the ground. That would make it too cold for the reindeer. No, Elf Agent X and his team are up to something really, really top secret out there. It’s massive!

Until next month….

– Elf Ernest

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