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Understanding the Test Flights of Santa’s Sleigh

Test Flights of Santa's Sleigh

The early test flights of Santa’s sleigh are generating a lot of questions. I would like to answer some of them here just to save time for those who are looking for answers.
Here are the most common questions we are getting about them right now:

Q: Why is the sleigh being tested so early?
A: It is not early. It is always in test flights at this time of the year. It may be this is the first time you have heard about it.

Q: Why can I not see the map on SantaUpdate.com?
A: Because these are just test flights. It IS available to see on the tracker map at SantaTrackers.net because it is intended as a training tool for tracker elves. We humbly suggest that if you want to see the map that you become a tracker elf too and track Santa for Santa.

Q: Does the sleigh ever crash?
A: It has happened before, yes. Over the years there have been many mishaps and accidents with sleigh designs that are being tested. This is normal. It is also the reason why there are so many tests performed on the sleigh and why it takes months to conduct those tests.

Q: Just what are these “tests”?
A: Elf Roger Star gave an excellent summary of the many phases of the test flights. They test for as many situations and scenarios as possible. The sleigh remains in test flight mode usually right up until the hour Santa launches.

As part of our Christmas in July activities we are hosting a number of interviews, podcasts and presentations. You might find more answers to your questions by attending some or all of these events.

Elf Ernest

2 replies
  1. Elf xmas
    Elf xmas says:

    Wow, you sure test Santa’s sleigh most of the time which is good when u r getting ready for Christmas.🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  2. Amber
    Amber says:

    How do we know which department we are in? I never got an email saying which one I belong in even though I get normal emails

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