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North Pole Post Office Reports Heavy Volume

North Pole Post Office Reports Heavy Volume 1
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
North Pole Post Office Reports Heavy Volume

Mail to the North Pole Post Office has increased significantly in volume. Postmaster Elf Hugo Slavia says elf positions are fully staffed and operating at full capacity already this holiday season.

North Pole Post Office

“The mail is starting to shift in focus,” Elf Hugo said. “Early in the season we see a lot of mails of just questions for Santa and those living at the North Pole. But as the calendar turns to December the mail tends to be more about wish lists for Santa.”

Technology plays a big role in organizing all the mail for Santa. It also has increased the amount of mail Santa receives.

“It used to be tradition for a child or a fan of Santa to just send one letter to the North Pole each Christmas,” Elf Hugo said. “But technology which allows instant communication via the website to send a note to Santa has made it so that some write to Santa over and over again.”

Santa’s mail gets electronically sorted in a way that paper mail never can. It gets tagged for not only the individually sending it but also for where they are from, the kinds of things they wish for, even for siblings they live with. All of that data is available to Santa right on his sleigh. He can see all the wish lists for every person on a given street or in an particular town, city or village.

For more information about the mail for Santa, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Harold. I’m glad so many adults sent messages and wish lists to Santa this year! We’re younger than Santa, so we’re still children from him, lol. I wonder if he remembers my emails and wishes lists! Thank you, Elf Frank and Elf Crash, for the report from the North Pole Post Office. I hope that Santa can receive all of our messages before his launch! XD

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