How to Call Santa

Operation Merry Christmas hasn’t even begun yet and already a record number of calls have been made to Santa.
Santa’s voicemail can be reached by anyone calling 866-847-2682. You can leave a message for Santa and tell him anything that you want.
Those calls go to a new computer system in Santa’s office. The new system classifies the messages by phone number and the individual calling. Ground breaking AI technology processes the messages and then sorts them according to priority and need.
Santa then goes through the messages during down times in his schedule. Sometimes he sends them back into the computer system to have the messages transcribed, so it can read them instead of listening to them.
When he is flying the sleigh Santa can hear messages too. He just tells the computer which group of messages he wants to hear while he flies.
All of this technology allows Santa to keep up with millions of messages that he receives each day.
Sometimes, Santa will ask a nearby elf to do something based upon a message that he receives. But like most of his email, the type of call that is most common for Santa is a wish list.
Santa will ask one of his secretary elves to make notes based upon the message and to take certain action. Sometimes those same messages just get sent to Santa’s workshop with some kind of order from Santa attached to it.
Santa has worked with his messages like this for many years. He is very efficient in handling all the many messages that he receives from believers.
For more information about calling Santa, please listen to the North Pole Radio News reporting in the player above.
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Santa, I hope that you’ll deliver all the presents. I hope you got all the presents ready and I wish for you to bring my present too, love Lily x
Do Santa I wanna be one of your elves please I love you guys I love to watch him please thank you my name is Dakota where you can call me whatever
santa can I have your phone number so I can call you thank you
To Santa few things for my family send my nephew Oscar’ a tonka toy truck and for electric rc hornet 1.10 scale tamiya electric rc car and for me a drone and ps5 games for my brother in law Bryce and Alexander ps5 games
I love you