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Professional Tracker Elves Get Training

Professional Elves Get Training
North Pole Radio News
Professional Tracker Elves Get Training

Professional Santa tracker scouts are gathered at North Pole Flight Command to receive training in advance of their Christmas Eve assignments.

Santa Update

Scouts are sent to pre-determined locations ahead of Santa’s launch for many reasons. One of those reasons is to observe Santa’s sleigh in flight, to record it, and to observe how the sleigh performs.

The data they collect is then studied by engineers in the Sleigh Department who use what they learn in designing Santa’s sleigh for next Christmas.

Professional scouts are also dispatched to observe other things. They collect data on the weather, the celebration of Christmas in the places where they are sent, the affect of Santa’s flight (and the flights of other sleighs on Christmas eve) on wildlife and other information they hold confidential for North Pole Security.

The professional scouts are different from the tracker elves we talk about all the time. These are North Pole elves who live at the North Pole and work full time for North Pole Flight Command. They are a select group, unlike any other elves at the North Pole.

How many they are and where they are sent is closely guarded information. They tend to travel in pairs and dress as the general population of what their destination is. It is difficult to tell them from regular people or from other elves. Many of these scouts speak several languages and are trained experts in survival, electronic communications, photography and wildlife management.

The type of training they are receiving this week is, of course, classified information.

For more about these professional scouts please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

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You say it’s hard to tell these special elves from other elves and people… but elves look so much different from people! Those must be some convincing disguises. Or maybe they just use the magic of belief to convince people they look normal? I bet that’s it!

Hi I’m so excited for Christmas

Thank you, Elf Harold! Wow, I didn’t know the professional scouts. Are they dispatched in each country? I wonder if they relate to the sector regional center and our tracker elves’ reports. People in my country have never seen elves on the shelf, so it sounds very mysterious, lol. Thank you, Elf Pedey (I hope it’s correct!) and the scouts, for working so hard for Santa and all the sleighs to go well. Thank you, Elves Frank and Crash; I’m happy to learn much from you! Merry Christmas! XD

hi i love you guys tell elf russell i said hi please

hi am so excited for christmas