Mrs. Claus Chat
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Mrs. Claus Chat Coming Up

Mrs. Claus is scheduled for North Pole Chat this Sunday at 4pm EST in the North Pole Chat Room. This will be the first exclusive chat from Mrs. Claus for this year and it is her contribution to Christmas in July from the North Pole. These…
Seven Months Until Christmas
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Seven Months Until Christmas

Merry Greetings and Hello from the North Pole. It’s only 7 months now until Christmas! Where does the time go? The past month has seen a lot of elves attending basic elf training. We do this every year but some years it’s a bigger…
37 Weeks Until Christmas
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37 Weeks Until Christmas

37 weeks until Christmas and I’m late! I was supposed to post yesterday but I had an exciting day with Santa and we got delayed. I’m told this happens to Santa a lot. He goes places, he gets to talking to people and before you know it…
Mrs. Claus at Santa's Workshop
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Mrs. Claus at Santa’s Workshop

Santa has sent Mrs. Claus to the Workshop to check on conditions there. Reports are that she has taken a lot of cookies. Mrs. Claus is anxious to see the workshop elves complete their duties so they can join her at the North Pole Christmas Party     NORTH…
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Massive Christmas Party Planned

Preparations for the annual North Pole Christmas party are well under way at the Claus residence where Mrs. Claus will host the elves and their families as they get off work and come to wait for Santa to return. We will be providing coverage…
Santa's Suit
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Problems with Santa’s Suit

Santa's suit is missing. It was sent to the dry cleaners by Mrs. Claus and when she sent someone to get it the suit could not be found. Mrs. Claus traditionally makes adjustments to Santa's suit the day before Santa's launch. He has…
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Epic Christmas Party Planned at the North Pole

An epic Christmas party is being planned for the North Pole. Mrs. Claus held meetings last yesterday after her chat in the North Pole Chat Room. The meeting had been scheduled for months. It is the custom at the North Pole to hold a Christmas…
What to Feed the Reindeer
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What to Feed the Reindeer on Christmas Eve

Later tonight Mrs. Claus will be in North Pole Chat to discuss two things - cookies for Santa and what to feed the reindeer on Christmas Eve. I can tell you that most people always remember the cookies for Santa. But reindeer food is nearly…
Epic Food Fight at the North Pole
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The Biggest Food Fight in North Pole History

The biggest food fight in North Pole history happened at the North Pole as part of the annual Halloween Party. It may not be right to call this a food fight. It happens every year, everyone comes ready for it and everyone stays to help clean…
Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 4 Weeks
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Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 4 Weeks

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Operation Merry Christmas begins in 4 weeks! That's right. Time to get excited, everybody! Imagine it: in just four short weeks we'll be getting DAILY updates from the North Pole as the countdown to Christmas…
Mrs. Claus Talks About Elves

Mrs. Claus Talks About Elves

Mrs. Claus took me to Santa’s workshop today and after a brief tour we had the conversation as noted below. First of all, I was surprised at everything Mrs. Claus knows about Santa’s Workshop. She is a different person in there! Did you…
Operation Merry Christmas
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Operation Merry Christmas Begins in 7 Weeks

Hi! Another week down. Just seven weeks now until Operation Merry Christmas begins. I'm so excited! This week I was given a tour of the candy cane factory here at the North Pole. It was so very interesting. It answered a question I have…