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Weather Center Warns of Christmas Storms

1130Santa’s Weather and Tracking Center is posting a warning for storms forecast for the week of Christmas. And not just at the North Pole.

“It appears to be a period where weather will be very active,” Elf Billy said. “We’re working with experts around the world, with military units, with space agencies, with shipping companies and really anyone and everyone who has a knowledge of local weather. They all say the same thing, that it will be a rough trip for Santa this year.”

The North Pole works all year long to be ready. Santa frequently has to leave the North Pole in bad weather and that’s usually no big deal. He’s used to it.

But getting the reindeer to fly through winter blizzard conditions when Santa leaves only to have to face the heat of summer as they head into the southern hemisphere within a few hours of launch really takes some preparation.

We will keep you informed of what weather challenges come up.

Elf Ernest

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