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Mrs. Claus Added to North Pole Chat

Mrs. Claus will host a North Pole Chat on the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving. This is an excellent time to ask questions about how Thanksgiving is celebrated at the North Pole.

Naturally, it is a very busy week for Mrs. Claus as she hosts several of the big events.

Thanksgiving Day is a huge day of celebration and community events at the North Pole. There is the Elf Parade in the morning, the big Thanksgiving luncheon in the afternoon and then the traditional Christmas Lighting Walkabout with Santa and Mrs. Claus in the evening.

Mrs. Claus has a lot of elves to help her with all these events but she is happy to discuss all that goes on and to answer all your questions.

It should be a good time, so please join us!

Be sure to check out the North Pole Chat calendar as new events are added all the time.

Elf Ernest

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Please any Elves that could help me out here I made a new Account has Santa’s new tracking Elf but when I went back to the page it kicked me out and I don’t see the activation link which it said it would send.