North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Update from Santa's Workshop

Santa’s workshop is continuing their good work today. The difference between today and every other day of the year is the presence of the Big Countdown Clock in the atrium.

Santa's Workshop

That big clock marks the hours, minutes and seconds until Santa’s launch – just like here on the website – only the clock in the workshop is descending down a wire with each passing hour, ever so slowly.

By the time of Santa’s launch it will be on the floor.

The big clock is there to remind all elves, and the workshop especially, of all that needs to be done before Santa leaves.

For the workshop, that means not only making toys but knowing how many to make, and who each toy goes to, and how to package it in such a way that the Wrapping Department can wrap it, and so that the Shipping Department can organize it in such a way that Santa can find it at the right time he is at a home to deliver it.

It is a massive undertaking that elves in the Workshop feels is on track at this time.

For more information about Santa’s Workshop, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star



Operation Merry Christmas

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Tracker elves are trying there best

Thankyou to the other elf’s, I have just recently become a junior elf. I found out the North Pole needed more elf’s and I took the application and got it!!!! Thankyou so much Santa!!!
-elf ginger

Thank you, Elf Harold. Happy Operation Merry Christmas! Yeah, it started to countdown! I hope everyone knows what Santa’s workshop does really. So we can feel relief. Santa is good at making toys! I’m curious about what his favorite toy he made so far. Thank you, Elf Frank and Elf Crash, for sharing the report! XD