Chat Recap: Tracking Santa 2024
Elves Frank Myrrh and Crash Murphy were in North Pole Chat to discuss Tracking Santa 2024. This is how that conversation went:
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf Ernest! How are you? |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Hi guys |
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf Shine! |
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf Weathertracker! |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | How is everyone doing? |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | ‘@Elf Ulan:Hi my Elf friend Ulan |
Elf Ulan | Good! I’m sleepy though, lol. It’s Sunday, at 11:52PM! |
Santa Fan3929 | Hello |
Elf NotJack | Hey everyone! |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Oh wow, it’s about 9:00 am here |
Elf Ulan | And you? |
Elf Shine | hi |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | I’m good, just eating breakfast |
Elf Shine | same |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Hi Elf Shine |
Elf Ulan | Okay, 15 hours different! |
Elf Ernest | Merry Christmas Everyone! Our Chat will Begin at the top of the hour….if our elf of honor shows up! |
Elf Ulan | Merry Christmas! Elf Ernest! Okay! |
Elf Shine | who is the elf of honor? |
Elf Ernest | Today should be Elf Frank and Elf Crash |
Elf Ernest | There’s Elf Frank right now…. |
Elf Ulan | hi, Elf Frank! |
Elf Ernest | Just so you know, you will NOT be hearing from Elf Frank Myrrh on the radio today. He’s been banned from speaking. |
Elf Ernest | We want his voice healed by broadcast time. |
Elf Ulan | How’s your throat? |
Elf NotJack | Yikes |
Elf Frank Myrrh | I’m doing okay. Thank you. Just a little cough now. |
Santa Fan3929 | I noticed both Frank and Crash sound like they have a cold in the most recent radio update. No bah humbug virus going around right??? |
Elf Ernest | No, no Bahhumbug virus!!! |
Elf Ulan | I hope you get better soon! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | I thought Crash sounded worse than me. And he went backout in the storm yesterday. |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Speaking of Crash, where is he? |
Elf Ernest | I’m trying to reach him. |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Are you all ready to track Santa? |
Elf Ulan | Sure! |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | I’m ready |
Elf NotJack | Hopefully! |
Elf Ernest | We are less than 24 hours now until the Tracking Santa Around the World Radio Show begins…. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Where is Crash?? |
Elf Ernest | Frank, did all of our reporter elves get out? |
Elf Westover | Hello! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | All except for Red Stocking. My understanding is that Red is going to hitch a ride on the final test flight. |
Elf Ulan | When will the Radio show start in EST? |
Elf Ernest | The radio show begins at 5am EST tomorrow |
Elf Westover | Oh wow! |
Elf Westover | Its gonna be good. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | I will be right back |
Elf Ulan | Okay! Thank you! |
Santa Fan3929 | Is crash not doing the test flight this year? |
Elf Ernest | Only 21 hours from right now. It runs for TWO whole says |
Elf Westover | Hello Elf Frank Myrrh |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Crash will be on the final test flight |
Elf Westover | Hello Ernest! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Hello Elf Westover |
Elf Shine | I will not be awake at 5 am est |
Elf Ernest | Greetings Elf Westover |
Elf Westover | Is anything busy? |
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf Westover! |
Elf Ernest | Things are really busy…but also quiet, because it’s Sunday. But many are at work today…. |
Elf Westover | Anything we are behind schedule on or no? |
Elf NotJack | Hey Elf Westover! |
Elf Ernest | That’s the golden question, Elf Westover |
Elf Westover | Hey Elf Ulan! |
Elf Ernest | Frank, do you think we are behind schedule…. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Hi Elf Westover |
Elf Westover | Hey! It’s been a long time since i’ve been to the North Pole chatroom |
Elf Frank Myrrh | The only unknown I know about is Operation Airlift. Maybe Crash has something new on that. |
Elf Westover | Glad I could make it |
Elf Frank Myrrh | But the reindeer are ready, the sleigh is ready, the Workshop and Post Office and Wrapping Department all report ready |
Elf Westover | It sounds tricky this year Frank |
Elf Ernest | Crash? You with us? |
Santa Fan3937 | hi |
Crash Murphy | Barely |
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf Crash! |
Elf Westover | hahaha good one! |
Elf Ernest | Hahaha, what’s wrong? |
Crash Murphy | I took this cough medicine last night and I cannot wake up. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Hi Crash, I hope you feel better before you follow Santa this year |
Crash Murphy | I feel like someone took a hammer to my head |
Santa Claus Tracker | How does your Santa Tracker work? |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Crash, are you getting sick? |
Elf Ulan | Elf Crash, you get better soon, too! |
Elf Westover | Yikes feel better! I heard you on the podcast maybe get some coughdrops |
Santa Fan3929 | How are you going to survive the entire test flight and real flight crash? |
Crash Murphy | No, I’M NOT GETTING SICK |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Hay Crash, it sounds like you got a bad head cold |
Elf Westover | Cold yeah its going around here |
Elf Ernest | Why did you take medicine if you’re not sick? |
Elf Shine | hi crash |
Elf Ulan | I know! Your throat get better soon! |
Crash Murphy | Because I wanted to go to sleep. I was too excited. |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Hahaha. Crash is a big kid. |
Elf Ernest | Seriously, are you okay? |
Elf Westover | Me too! Its gonna be an successful year Crash! |
Crash Murphy | Yes, boss. I’m fine. No sore throat. No cough. No sneezing. Put me in, Coach. |
Elf Ernest | Elf Dr. Lionel will be on your doorstep any moment. |
Elf Westover | Ok then that’s good signs |
Crash Murphy | NO! |
Crash Murphy | Not that guy….. |
Elf Westover | Anything Tracker Elves can help you guys with? |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Tracker elves helping…from what I am hearing you guys are ON IT |
Elf Westover | Uh Oh what’s wrong Crash!? You don’t like the doctors? Mean either! |
Crash Murphy | Yes, that’s true. Record breaking check in levels this year. |
Elf Westover | Alright good to know |
Crash Murphy | Reports in the early going are STRONG |
Crash Murphy | Doctors are for sick people. I AM NOT SICK |
Elf Westover | Yeah I am training my brother and sister. You guys might know em |
Elf Frank Myrrh | There’s another Elf Westover and another Elf Westover? |
Elf Westover | My sisters a Weather Analyst and my brothers an Assistant Manager |
Elf Frank Myrrh | What is an Assistant Manager? |
Elf Westover | Their Elf names are Elf Candy and Elf Semour |
Elf Westover | My brother spells it wrong lol |
Elf Ernest | Crash, this chat seems to be filled with trackers you all know. Are you ALL tracker elves? |
Elf Westover | Well he kind of does what I do |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Brother is Semour….I like that |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | I am Elf Ernest |
Elf NotJack | I am |
Crash Murphy | Yes, Ernest, I recognize most of the names here. |
Elf Westover | Hahaha! REally?! I gotta tell him that!! |
Crash Murphy | It excites me to see them all! |
Elf Westover | Thanks we try |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Thank you Crash, and so are you |
Elf Westover | Has the storm hit yet? |
Elf Ulan | (Thank you for answering our questions, Elf Crash!) |
Elf Ernest | Crash, since this crowd is mostly yours, do you want to take questions from them? |
Crash Murphy | Yes, absolutely. Let’s get down to it. |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Yes, the storm hit a couple of weeks ago and has not let up. |
Elf Westover | Looks like our turn signals on Er-Er |
Elf Ernest | Who has a question for Elf Crash? |
Elf Westover | Sheesh!! how many inches? |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Two feet per hour is the number I keep hearing. More than 60 feet of snow now. |
Elf Westover | I don’t really have any he answered them on the podcast lol\ |
Elf Ashanti | Hello everyone |
Elf Ernest | Crash have you flown in a sleigh in this storm? |
Crash Murphy | Yup. |
Elf Westover | WHAT!? Your covered!! |
Elf Ernest | What’s it like? |
Santa Fan3929 | Crash, how do you stay awake for like 2 entire days straight? |
Crash Murphy | It hurts. |
Elf Ulan | Elf Ernest, let me know when I can ask XD |
Crash Murphy | Staying awake for two days is easy. I listen to Frank on the radio and that kills my chances of sleep. |
Elf Shine | Elf ernest I have question for crash |
Elf Westover | Storms about to hit us so look out Crash it could come any moment! |
Elf Ernest | Go ahead Elf Ulan… |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Hey man…. |
Elf Ernest | Go ahead Elf Shine |
Elf Westover | I have one for Frank |
Elf Ernest | Ok Elf Westover, ask your question of Frank |
Elf Shine | crash I it cold when you follow Santa? |
Elf Westover | Where do you do the Radio show on Christmas Eve? What workshop |
Elf Ernest | Frank and Crash are pretty fast chatters, so fire away |
Elf Ulan | Thank you! Elf Crash, how do you protect your whole body? Is your sleigh also open-style? |
Crash Murphy | It can get cold, yes. It just depends. Sometimes its too cold, sometimes it’s too hot. Most of the time I get so busy that I forget about all that though Elf Shine |
Elf Shine | thanks crash |
Elf Westover | Where Do you do the Radio Show Frank? |
Elf Frank Myrrh | I do the radio show at the studios of North Pole Radio News at Kringle Radio — same as most days of the year. We have reporters at Flight Command and, of course, all around the world. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Crash, when do you take off to track Santa? Is it before or after he takes off? |
Elf Westover | So the Newsroom? |
Crash Murphy | Elf Ulan, my sleigh is open, as is Santa’s. But I wear a flight suit that is layered. When I’m too cold, I’ll add another layer, when too hot I take a layer off. |
Elf Westover | Interesting Crash!! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Well, yeah, but it’s a radio newsroom, not like a TV newsroom |
Elf Westover | Yeah so the one you use for news correct? |
Elf Ulan | Thank you, Elf Crash! Sounds busy. Do you have a pilot, too? |
Elf Happy | Hi |
Crash Murphy | SubstituteWeatherElf….I am usually in the air before Santa launches and I listen to Frank and Elf Mitch on the radio. Santa exits like a rocket and I have to be up there or he just blows me away. As it is he usually is a flash in the sky that I end up chasing. |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Yes, same studio all the time for me. |
Elf Westover | Wow! I wish I could work there one day! That’s my goal! |
Crash Murphy | Yes, Elf Ulan. I get the best test pilot for my sleigh. I’m not that good as a pilot |
Elf NotJack | I have a question for Crash |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Keep it up, Elf Westover. I think you’re doing great! |
Elf Ernest | Go ahead Elf Not Jack |
Elf Happy | Elf Crash, I read about your layers above for when it gets cold just wanted to ask what are they made out of |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Very interesting to know. What do you normally pack for your snacks while you’re tracking Santa Crash? |
Elf Ulan | Thank you, Elf Crash! I pray for you all fly well and safe! |
Elf Westover | Thanks! Have you seen all the Video News? I made my first two podcasts. And I wanted to thank you for posting it for me! |
Elf NotJack | What is your favorite food you get from those drive through a? |
Crash Murphy | I’m all about nutrition, as you know Elf Not Jack. So Doritos, Ding Dongs, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Little Debbie Christmas trees, etc. |
Elf Westover | Well the two of you! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Yes, I have. EXCELLENT work, Elf Westover. Keep it coming. |
Elf Happy | How fast do you fly Elf Crash? |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Nice snacks Crash |
Elf NotJack | The little Debbies Christmas trees are so good! I ate a whole box the other day |
Elf Westover | Can you help me with my other radio News and podcasts? |
Crash Murphy | Hi Elf Happy. I don’t know what the flight suit is made out of. Mrs. Claus spearheads that. It’s stretchy stuff that itches my neck, I can tell you that. |
Elf Westover | I do need some help but |
Crash Murphy | Elf Not Jack – you’re one of us! |
Elf Ulan | Elf Frank, are reporters all elves or some  not? |
Elf Happy | Nice, i bet some of its wool |
Elf Westover | Just asking I know your busy! |
Crash Murphy | AS far as sleigh speed goes, I’m not sure what the numbers are any more. Just trying to keep up with Santa is a job. |
Elf NotJack | Hey I’m here for a good time not a long! |
Elf Westover | Those Littlee Debbie Christmas Trees are delicious |
Crash Murphy | If it were wool it would get heavy when wet. And we get wet a lot, so I don’t think wool is in it. |
Elf Ulan | Hi Elf NotJack! |
Elf Happy | Hmm |
Elf NotJack | Hey Elf Ulan! How are you? |
Elf Ernest | Crash, are you advertising Little Debbie? |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Elf Frank, have you tried Gargling with warm Salt water to help your throat feel bette? |
Crash Murphy | No, not advertising. Sorry, Ernest. |
Elf Westover | Frank do you edit your radio News? At the same room? |
Santa Fan3950 | HEY CHAT |
Elf Westover | *Where* |
Elf Frank Myrrh | I tried the lemon and honey treatment Crash suggested. Really, I’m good. Almost back to abnormal. |
Elf Ulan | I’m good thank you, and you, Elf NotJack? |
Santa Fan3950 | how are u elf ulan? |
Elf Happy | Crash how many times was santas sleigh delayed last year |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Elf DJ is our sound engineer, he edits all the news. |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | I hope you feel better soon Frank and Crash |
Elf Westover | Oh cool! |
Crash Murphy | I don’t recall if the sleigh was ever delayed last year. Santa set a record. |
Elf NotJack | I’m alright! A little nervous, I’m donating blood in a few hours |
Crash Murphy | Thank you SubstituteWeatherElf |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Your very welcome Crash |
Elf Ernest | Oh wow, Elf Not Jack….good for you |
Elf Westover | Frank can you help me with my podcasts sometime? |
Elf Shine | bye |
Elf Shine | bye everyone |
Elf Frank Myrrh | All of our news reporters are elves. |
Elf Happy | Crash just as a question how long have you been following santa |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Bye Elf Shine |
Elf NotJack | Thanks, I’m nervous though! Had a bad experience last time |
Elf Ulan | Bye Elf Shine! Merry Christmas! |
Crash Murphy | I’ve been the eye in the sky reporter following Santa for 15 years now….right, Frank? |
Elf Westover | IS it time to go? ALREADY?! |
Elf Westover | Wow Crash! |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Sounds about right. |
Elf Ulan | Elf NotJack, good for you! Merry Christmas! |
Elf Shine | happy holidays to all |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Good luck, Elf Not Jack. |
Elf Shine | Â bye |
Elf Ernest | Yes, we are about out of time. Any last questions for Frank and Crash? |
Elf Westover | Don’t be nervous Elf NotJack remember your not alone! |
Elf Westover | Yes |
Elf Happy | How many times has something flown out of Santas sleigh |
Elf NotJack | Haha! Thanks guys |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Frank and Crash thank you for taking time to answer our questions |
Crash Murphy | Things flying out of Santa’s sleigh….not much, I don’t think. I’ve never seen anything. |
Elf Westover | Crash and Frank good luck this year. I’vve been listening for 6 years! Merry Christmas you scalliwags! Lol |
Elf Happy | Interesting |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Hahah, thanks Elf Westover. See you on the radio! |
Elf Ulan | Thank you so much, Elf Frank and Elf Crash! I want to give some special treat from Otaru! |
Santa Fan3953 | Merry Christmas from the U.K. |
Crash Murphy | At those speeds anything falling from the sleigh would ended up shredded. |
Santa Fan3952 | Merry Christmas! |
Elf Ernest | Thank you everyone for being here, Merry Christmas! |
Elf Westover | RADIO!? You mean i’m on the radio show!? |
Elf Frank Myrrh | Yes, Merry Christmas all. Please tune in! |
Elf Ulan | Thank you, Elf Ernest! Merry Christmas! |
Elf Substituteweatherelf | Bye guys feel better soon |
Crash Murphy | Ok, Team. Let’s track Santa! |
Elf Westover | I sure will. You guys are the best news reporters!! |
Crash Murphy | Thank you for all you do for Santa |
Elf Ulan | Yeah, feel better soon! |
Elf Westover | Lets do it! |
Crash Murphy | Merry Christmas if I don’t get a chance to talk to you |
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Hello this is Cheyenne Sparks checking in on Santa how is he? PS thank you for all the presents you gave me and I hope you enjoyed the cookies we gave you LOL love you
I’m in north Pole and see santa
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year? Thanks for the gift
This chat is funny
An Amazing chat! I have some news now! Loll
Thank you, Elf Winslow! It was an excellent chat. Thank you, Elves Ernest, Frank, and Crash! I’m always delighted to talk to you all! I’ll be ready to go with you! Let’s have fun Tracking Santa for Santa together! Please take care of all your conditions and health, including Santa’s. Merry Christmas! XD
Looking to see santa
Hi this Emma and anthony and grandma checking on santa.
i cant wait for christmas im going to sleep like around 11:00 something i hope he comes to my house
Wow! That’s was interesting! Safe travels Elf Crash, Santa, reindeer and all in the skies. Merry Christmas 🎄