Santa’s Reindeer Declared Healthy
The Reindeer Operations Department today announced Santa’s starting reindeer and in so doing declared each of them healthy and ready for Santa’s flight.
The Santa’s Reindeer team, as expected, is Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. The team has been in isolation for several days and watched over very closely by trainers. All are doing exceptionally well.
There are zero health concerns with any of them. Last year, if you recall, Vixen was coming off of a difficult injury. She trained very hard in the offseason and went on to victory in the Reindeer Games this year, which were held in October.
Rudolph recently had a “tune up” for his nose, which now reportedly sports a brighter LED with different color variants. It should be noted that due to flight regulations in many countries Rudolph cannot use any color but red while in flight. But Santa has indicate he may “mess around with Rudolph’s nose and the color of light from it” when visiting homes on the ground that have Christmas lights. (We think Santa might be kidding about that).
Concerns over the weather and how it might affect the reindeer have been dismissed as well. Elf Victor, head elf over Reindeer Operations, says that reindeer love the snow and have flown with Santa through many blizzards in the past.
Their spirits are high and they cannot wait to hit the skies with Santa.

Santa’s Reindeer
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Thank you, Elf Trixie! I’m so glad to hear reindeer are in good health! Wow, Rudolph can change colors on his nose! I hope Elf Crash will report for it. Elf Trixie, congratulations to Trixie, who is a member of the backup team this year! Will they stay at the North Pole until Santa calls them? Thank you so much to Elf Victor and their trainer for caring for the reindeer for a long time. Please let me know if I can help them anytime. I pray that all of you go well for Santa and are safe in any… Read more »
Yay! Thanks Elf Trixie! I am so glad Vixen is better and hope Rudolph likes his new “tune-up!” Merry Christmas!🎄🎁
1 DAY!!
I wonder how long until Santa‘s in Minnesota I love Christmas and I love snowstorms
Thanks Elf Trixie. So thankful that all the reindeer are healthy an ready for Santa. Praying they have a safe a magnificent flight.
Merry Christmas 🎄