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Hundreds if Sleighs Lined Up at the North Pole

North Pole Podcast
North Pole Podcast
Hundreds if Sleighs Lined Up at the North Pole


su2013ruHi all!

More breaking news to report!

Not only are thousands of reindeer headed to the North Pole but we’ve seen hundreds of sleighs lined up way out behind the sleigh barn.

We’ve got weather here at the North Pole so there are elves out there setting up temporary tents over the sleighs to keep what snow they can off of them.

But clearly something big is happening with all these sleighs. When Santa ordered these sleighs months ago to be constructed we wondered then what they were all for.

Now it appears we are soon to find out.

Why would Santa need hundreds of sleighs?

Elf Ernest

Coming up next: Secrets of Santa’s eggnog recipe

Where it is Christmas Eve now: South Pacific islands

Listen to Red Stocking discuss snow concerns around the world with Elf Seymour Snow:


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