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30 Weeks Until Christmas

There are 30 weeks until Christmas, guys. You realize we almost half way there?

34 Weeks Until Christmas

That officially comes in a month on Leon Day. I’m still trying to comprehend Leon Day. I think Frank and Crash are going to do a podcast about it but I plan on talking to a few people so I understand it better.

Until then, I’m kind of checking in by department to find out what’s going on. Last week’s update was about Santa’s Workshop. And I was surprised by what I found there. They were SO busy.

This week I visited the North Pole Post Office. I visited with Elf Hugo who is one honest and very funny elf.

But here’s the deal: they are not busy at all.

In fact, Elf Hugo was kind of holding down the fort on his own. He told me most of his elves are out on vacation right now.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are still a ton of messages, emails, faxes and letters coming in to the North Pole.

But Elf Hugo tells me this is what they call “the pit” of the year. The last two weeks of May are the quietest times for the North Pole Post Office.


Elf Hugo says there are many reasons. It is a change in season all over the world. Those in winter and transition to summer and those in summer are headed winter. That magic moment, as Elf Hugo calls it, make it a busy time everywhere. The weather is, frankly, pretty decent around the world for these few weeks.

And that means people are out doing stuff – and not writing to the North Pole.

Elf Hugo explain it as kind of turning a corner. This seasonal switch will actually lead to a surge in mail in the coming weeks.

For those heading in to summer, the heat reminds them of how much they miss the cold and the snow of Christmas time.

For those heading in to winter, that brings them images of Santa and Christmas trees and their minds.

Then you match that with the halfway mark of the year that we call Leon Day – well, that makes it the busy season all over again for the North Pole Post Office.

Elf Hugo said the key to running the Post Office at the North Pole is consistency. He told me he does not get too lax at a down time like right now and he does not panic when the Post Office gets overwhelmed. His job is to keep the wheels turning no matter what.

What many people do not realize is that the North Pole Post Office is responsible for all communication at the North Pole – not just the incoming mail from the outside world.

Elf Hugo’s department handles all the email and messaging for every department. They make it so that the Workshop can communicate with the Wrapping Department.

Flight Command has to have communication capabilities with the Sleigh Port, the North Pole Navy and regional command centers all over the world.

If it has anything to do with communication, Elf Hugo and his team keeps that message traffic moving.

They have a huge staff and many of them have special jobs. For example, Team Santa in the Post Office Department is charged with handling all of Santa’s mail – no matter the form. They receive it, sort it, prioritize it and help Santa handle it. They are very efficient.

I think I will need to come back to Elf Hugo a little more often. I learned a lot about the North Pole Post Office I did not know.

If you have questions or are wondering about it don’t be afraid to put it in the comments below and I’ll pass the word along.


Elf Trixie

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Hi Elf Trixie! I think you and the elves there are enjoying their vacation. Thank you, Elf Hugo and the staff of the North Pole post office for everything. Okay, Team Santa receives all of the mails to Santa and prioritizes them. I wonder if Santa was able to receive my email that I sent many months ago or not. Do they read any mails first before Santa read? And then they give him late if they think the mails are not priority? Thank you!