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Santa Sets a New Record in Return to the North Pole

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
Santa Sets a New Record in Return to the North Pole

News Bulletin: Santa has safely returned home to the North Pole and is the proud holder of a new all-time speed record.

Santa Tracker Map – Click here to see the latest location of Santa’s sleigh

Santa Tracking StatusNorth Pole Flight Command
Sector 1Merry Christmas!
Sector 2Merry Christmas
Sector 3Merry Christmas
Sector 4Merry Christmas
Sector 5Merry Christmas
Understanding Sectors

Status of Operation Merry Christmas
Santa: Ho-ho-happy
Sleigh: Heading north!
Reindeer: Ready to party
Santa’s Workshop: Now at the North Pole Christmas Party.
North Pole Post Office: Now at the North Pole Christmas Party.
Wrapping Department: Now at the North Pole Christmas Party.
North Pole Security: Now at the North Pole Christmas Party.

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Thank you Santa for my gift card Merry Christmas

I am happy you got the Rc truck for me

Thank you so much, Elf Ernest! Congratulations, SANTA! Wow, 29 hours! I’m pleased to hear that Santa returned safely with the new speed record with Mrs. Claus! Elf Crash, I hope you returned there safely, too. They are having a fun Christmas party there right now. I wish we, tracker elves, could attend the party together someday. Thank you so much, Elf Frank, Elf Crash, and all the elves worked so hard this time. Enjoy the party, and please rest a lot! XD