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Donner and Blitzen Assigned to Test Flights

Donner and Blitzen Assigned
North Pole Radio News

Santa’s lead reindeer, Donner and Blitzen, have been sent to the Indian Ocean on an undisclosed mission.

Breaking News Santa Update

Many at the North Pole speculate they will be joining the test flight team in evaluating Santa’s sleigh, though this fact has yet to be confirmed by North Pole Flight Command.

Two news reports in the past few days have revealed “problems” with the test flights of Santa’s sleigh.

Blitzen and Donner have been in training for the annual Reindeer Games. It is unknown how long their mission is or if they will return in time to participate in the games.

Vixen was also reported, earlier this week, to have assigned herself to the test flight team.

For more information about this developing story, please listed to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star

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Thank you, Elf Harold! Wow, Donner and Blitzen also joined the Test flights! I wonder how long they will test the sleighs and if they will participate in the reindeer games. I’m looking forward to hearing the update. Thank you, Elf Flant and Elf Crash, for their news episodes. I always enjoy listening to it! Merry Christmas! XD