NORAD Unhappy about All the Extra Sleighs
The island of Guam is celebrating a Merry Christmas at this time thanks to Santa's recent visits there.
In other news, NORAD is complaining to the North Pole about all the sleigh drones in use and how they are complicating their…

A New Phase in Operation Merry Christmas?
The islands of the seas in Micronesia as well as ships at large in that general area are reporting visits from Santa at this time. Sleigh operations continue to go smoothly and the reindeer are reportedly in fine condition and feeling…

North Pole Christmas Party Begins
Wake Island is reporting a Merry Christmas at this time. As Elf Butch reported from there hours ago fireworks have gone off in celebration, just as he said they would.
At the North Pole the music has been turned on, the food is…

Good News from Santa’s Workshop
Tiny little Baker Island in the middle of the Pacific is reporting a Merry Christmas at this time. Also many ships at sea in that general area report the same news.
Meanwhile, on Jingle Bell 1 there is good news coming from Santa's…

North Pole Navy Delivers to Africa
Santa is in the Marshall Islands and Elf Crash has a live report accessible below that talks about that visit.
In other news, the ship located off the coast of Africa belonging to the North Pole Navy has just made a delivery of food,…

Decoy Sleighs Confuse Trackers
The Soloman Islands appear to be Santa's current stop. The Tracking Center has confirmation from multiple sources that Santa is there.
Meanwhile, the hundreds of sleighs in the skies over the South Pacific has trackers of all types…

Santa in Tuvalu
Another tropical paradise is enjoying a Merry Christmas at this hour. The island of Tuvalu is reporting that Santa has been there.
We are hearing rumors that Elf Quinton and his team at the Research and Development Department are…

Santa Hits Some Rainy Weather
Santa and his sleigh have run into a little bit of warm summer rain over the Tasman Sea. Weather spotters say it is not a serious weather event and in no way will slow down Santa.
Meanwhile, coal shipments to Jingle Bell 1 have slowed…

Santa at the South Pole
Science stations and military outposts in Antarctica are reporting a Merry Christmas as evidence that Santa has been there is abundant. The South Pole was the first to receive a visit last year, if you recall.
There are some concerns…

Trouble in Argentina
While Santa continues to work the islands and ships of the South Pacific at this hour we are receiving some disturbing news from the South American country of Argentina. According to unnamed sources in the Department of North Pole Security…

An Eyewitness Report from New Zealand
Click the audio link below to hear the just-filed report from the News Desk at the North Pole with an interview with a New Zealand resident that just saw Santa.
Cheers from the Workshop at the North Pole went up when news of Santa's…

New Zealand Gives a Merry Report
We're receiving reports that Santa is in New Zealand. It is a bit bigger country, more populated than other islands Santa has recently visited. He may be there a while longer.
Bed time warnings have gone out to many places in the…