Chat with Elf Ed Zachary
North Pole Chat featured a discussion with North Pole News Director, Elf Ed Zachary. Elf Ed Zachary has had a storied career in journalism at the North Pole and knows Santa well. In this discussion he addresses his personal relationship with…

Rare Chat Opportunity with Elf Ed Zachary Announced
Elf Ed Zachary, famed Defender of Santa Claus, columnist at the North Pole Gazette, and newly promoted head of the North Pole News Department, has agreed to be interviewed by Elf Ernest in North Pole Chat.
The event is scheduled at a bit…

I Yam What I Yam
I yam what I yam. Please let me explain that.
Thanksgiving is its own holiday. Let's be clear about that. I say that only because so many seem to think that Thanksgiving gets forgotten in the shadow of Christmas.
Some even insist that…

Planning for Christmas
It is a new year. It is "planning for Christmas" season.
That means just one thing at the North Pole: calendars.
Every elf here has a calendar. This is the time of year they all get new calendars and they spend weeks scribbling plans,…

The Truth about Elf on the Shelf
Brace yourself. I’m about to bust some hard Santa truth on you about Elf on the Shelf. At the North Pole we work hard to share the truth of Santa Claus. Sometimes that truth is not pretty.
For example, kids will write in and ask Santa for…

You’re Never Too Old to Believe
You're never too old to believe in Santa Claus. That is a truth that many people, especially children, need to get their head around.
You see, now that the silliness of Halloween is over the world of children especially begins to focus on…

All Play and No Work for Santa
The month of January seems silly to some. Gone are the days of anticipation for Christmas and with that it seems Santa and the North Pole are forgotten. After the brief post-Christmas rush of thank you cards and letters to the North Pole post…

Elves and Anxiety
The most recent crisis at the North Pole – Santa’s absence – seems to have sent waves of panic in the elf community.
It has caused many of you out there to send in letters of concern.
From nine year old Natalie of Wisconsin, this…

North Pole Media Explodes with Worries About Santa
A report from the North Pole Gazette on Saturday has upset a lot of people at the North Pole. The newspaper article said authorities at the Flight Command Center are really "hunting Santa", not just using Santa's planned absence as a training…

When Elves Get Mad
The nature of my job as an elf is different. I spend most of my days working at a computer in an office. When the world thinks of elves they think of the guys and gals over in Santa’s workshop.
Really, the world SHOULD think of those workshop…

Why Thanksgiving is as Big as Christmas at the North Pole
Years ago I got in a lot of trouble for writing a column titled A Fat Man’s Holiday.
That article talked about Santa’s love of food and the North Pole celebration of Thanksgiving.
I will attempt to once again explain it all without…

Things You Need to Know About Reindeer
Last Christmas was all about how Santa’s reindeer went missing. Remember that?
It was such a big story that the email questions about reindeer are still pouring in.
There are some things you need to know about reindeer. I think I can…