The latest North Pole Radio News Reports as broadcast at the North Pole.

Edible Gift Wrap
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Edible Gift Wrap Tested

Edible giftwrap has been tested in the Wrapping Department at the North Pole this year. The wrap has the consistency of thin fruit leather while having the sheen of full color traditional gift wrap. Elf Harriet, head elf at the wrapping…
Track Santa by Text
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Tracking Santa by Text

North Pole Flight Command today announces the availability of free Santa Updates via text. Just text the word SANTA to 833-935-5076 to sign up. This capability is added by, which has been sharing Santa’s Voicemail…
2 Weeks Until Christmas
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2 Weeks Until Christmas

Hi friends! There’s just two weeks left until Christmas and I’ve had a see-saw day. Mrs. Claus called me in to her office today to discuss what we’re going to be working on three weeks from now. It got me really sad, really quick.…
Understanding Bedtime Advisories
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Understanding Bedtime Advisories

Knowing what time to go to bed on Christmas Eve can be difficult. That is why Santa offers a posting of bedtime advisories at Santa knows that Christmas Eve is the biggest family night of the year. In many…
Feeding Santa's Reindeer
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Advice for Feeding Reindeer

Reindeer are generating a lot of questions at the North Pole right now, according to the North Pole Post Office. A lot of those questions center on what to feed Santa’s reindeer on Christmas Eve. I reached out to the Reindeer Operations…
Happy Birthday Santa
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Happy Birthday, Santa

Today is Santa’s birthday. He is spending it as he does every birthday – on the road visiting with the children of the world who believe in him. If you see Santa today where you are, please be sure to wish him a happy birthday. Santa…
Tracker Elf Sign Ups
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Tracker Elf Sign-Ups Surge

With Santa’s launch getting closer every day the interest in North Pole News and especially tracking Santa for Santa is just exploding. Over at Elf Max reports that growth of new tracker sign-ups continues to surge…
Wish List Day
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Wish List Day at the North Pole

It is Wish List Day at the North Pole, a day of reminder from the North Pole Post Office to get your wish list in to Santa. For Santa, this day is important because he REALLY needs to hear from you soon so that he can know what you want…
3 Weeks Until Christmas
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3 Weeks Until Christmas

Hi ho! Just three weeks to go until Christmas! How about you? Are you ready? Do you have your tree up? Is your stocking hung? How about your Santa tracker map? I’ve got my Santa tracker map up already. Last year I was late to the…
What Tracking Santa Actually Means
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What Tracking Santa Actually Means

In about three weeks the world will be tracking Santa. Well, some of the world will be tracking Santa. The rest will be following Santa on some kind of a map. At we have been “tracking” Santa differently online.…
The Importance of Christmas Trees
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Santa Reminds of the Importance of the Christmas Trees

There isn’t a tree at the North Pole that isn’t decorated for Christmas. But for people around the world this weekend represents the most popular time to put up and decorate a Christmas tree in a home. As such, and according to North…
Reindeer Seek Training Locations
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Reindeer Seek Training Locations

Operation Merry Christmas's delivery phase kicked off yesterday and all North Pole Departments report enthusiastic and robust activity ever since. Santa has left the North Pole once again to meet with fans, believers and children from…