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Tracking Center Lights Up with Reports of Test Flight Over North America

We're hearing from the Tracking Center that Elf Vernon's final test flight of Santa's sleigh is turning heads in North America. Just a short time ago an eyewitness from near Idaho Falls in the USA reported seeing a flash at a fairly low…
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24 Hours to Sleigh Launch

Tensions are running high at the North Pole as we mark just 24 hours left in our countdown until Santa officially launches the sleigh for Operation Merry Christmas 2013. The workshop is in chaos, with elves running around like mad trying…
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Santa Tracking Begins Soon on Kringle Radio

We begin broadcasting our news on Kringle Radio in just 12 hours. More than 50 hours are planned to begin at: 12 am -- New Zealand on 12/24 10 pm -- Australia on 12/23 8 pm -- Seoul on 12/23 7 pm -- Hong Kong on 12/23 3 pm -- Dubai on…
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Santa Encourages Families to Track Santa Together

While the North Pole grapples with falling behind in the workshop and losing power now is a good time to remind you that Santa tracking on Christmas Eve is coming up. This is a family tradition that goes back decades and one you're really going…
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Santa Wants More Secret Spies

As anticipation for Santa's flight builds so too does the need for as many people as possible around the world to help Santa -- he needs elves! Yes, you can begin your elf career by registering free to become an elf and taking on your first…
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Weather Center Urges Santa to Use South Pole

Merry Christmas, friends! Elf Billy in the Weather and Tracking Center made an unusual suggestion to Santa today: he said Santa should think of launching from the South Pole this year. The Weather Center is predicting such bad weather…
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Weather Center Warns of Christmas Storms

Santa's Weather and Tracking Center is posting a warning for storms forecast for the week of Christmas. And not just at the North Pole. "It appears to be a period where weather will be very active," Elf Billy said. "We're working with experts…
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How to Track Santa on Christmas Eve

Tracking Santa is a very old tradition. Kids and families have been doing it for as long as Santa has been flying. Santa wants you to understand the many ways to track him on Christmas Eve. There are many new tools available online to help…
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Test Flights Underway for Santa’s Sleigh

If you have been following along with news coming from the Tracking Center at Tracking Santa.net you already know that Santa's sleigh has been undergoing all kinds of test flights. In fact, recent problems in Africa in test flying the sleigh…
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Track Santa by Text at Jingle Kringle.com

Now you can get alerts of the Santa updates on your cell phone -- you can track Santa by text! Just go to our sister site at JingleKringle.com and enter a valid text number. "This is a big year for improvements in Santa tracking technology…
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TrackingSanta.net Launched

The first big exciting announcement of the 2013 Christmas season is the launch of TrackingSanta.net, an effort put together here at the North Pole under the direction of The Tracking and Weather Department led by Elf Billy. "This is the…
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100 Days until Christmas

We're getting a little nervous here at the North Pole. The big countdown clock in the workshop just ticked over to 100 days until Christmas...and that means time is running out. I'm not talking about the work going on in Santa's workshop.…