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What to Feed Santa’s Reindeer

North Pole Radio News
North Pole Radio News
What to Feed Santa’s Reindeer

There are 14 days remaining until Santa launches from the North Pole. As that countdown continues mail to the North Pole with concern for Santa’s reindeer is increasing. People around the world are wanting to know what to feed the reindeer when Santa comes to their house.


Available food may vary from location to location. Fortunately, reindeer are not picky eaters and they generally enjoy the variety of foods they encounter in different locations.

The Reindeer Department today put out some guidelines for believers to remember when it comes to leaving food out for the reindeer:

1. The most important item that should be available for reindeer is clean, fresh water. It doesn’t have to be bottled (actually, it’s best that it is not) and it doesn’t need to be kept cold. But there are nine reindeer to water so you will want to make sure there is enough.

2. Fruits are appreciated by the reindeer but there are some fruits to avoid. Apples, pears, and even bananas are all loved by reindeer and are safe for them to eat. Avoid feeding them pineapple, oranges, or other citrus or highly acidic fruits.

3. Vegetables are loved by reindeer but there are some to avoid. Carrots are likely the most common vegetable that reindeer encounter on Christmas Eve but it is also common for them to see a lot of cucumbers and celery. Do not feed them broccoli, cauliflower, red onions, beets or tomatoes. Leafy greens are what they really miss the most on Christmas and not many people remember to include those.

4. Most candies are NOT good for reindeer, especially candy canes or other mint-based sweets. It’s also not a good idea to give them chocolate, fudge or ice cream. Eggnog is okay in very small quantities but Santa really is not in favor of that because it’s so high in sugar the reindeer get tired quickly after they consume it.

5. Grains are appreciated, especially non-instant oats.

The information above is from nutritionists specializing in the dietary needs of reindeer in the Reindeer Department. We have it on good authority that Mrs. Claus plans to publish her own guide on reindeer food soon.

For more information about reindeer and what they eat, please listen to the North Pole Radio News report in the player above.

Elf Harold Star




Operation Merry Christmas

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I love Santa Claus

Thank you, Elf Harold. Thank you, Elf Frank and Elf Crash. I heard that baby reindeer were born a lot this year. Do the babies eat the same food? I wish I could help feed them all! I’ll prepare for both the nine reindeer and Santa on Christmas Eve! Oh, how about other reindeer for it? XD