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Did Santa Just Deliver Coal to North Korea?

A great debate has erupted at the North Pole and every elf here is engaged in it. Did Santa just deliver coal to North Korea? That is the big debate right now and it has elves here questioning what this means for Santa's flight tonight.…
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Big Question: Will North Pole Weather Affect Santa’s Launch?

Elf Hugo tells me that kids are writing in with worried letters of deep concern for Santa's launch and whether or not the blizzard at the North Pole will stall things. Let's talk about that for a minute or two. Yes, the weather outside here…
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North Korea Protests to the North Pole

We have received official notice of a protest to the North Pole by the country of North Korea. Officials from that country are very upset and want to speak with Santa. According to reports from the Tracking Center there was what they are…
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Christmas Eve Dawns in the South Pacific

It is Christmas Eve day in the deep South Pacific. Someone in that part of the world will see Santa first. We have reporters working in several locations and if you're listening to Kringle Radio you can hear their live reports to the North…
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Tracking Center Predicts Santa Will Break Speed Records

Another hour has passed and the Tracking Center remains locked to us. They just released a statement I can share: "The performance of Santa's Sleigh especially these past few hours suggest that Santa will likely break long-standing speed…
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Chaser Sleigh to Follow Santa Around the World

As heard on Kringle Radio moments ago the North Pole Newsroom will be launching a chaser sleigh to follow and report on Santa as he travels around the world. Click the image below to hear the exciting details of our "eye in the sky" reporter…
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Santa Sends a Call Out for Christmas Help

As the hours quickly tick away for Santa's flight it is becoming more and more clear that the elf crew at the North Pole and that the elves numbered in the millions around the world are expending every resource to get the job of Operation Merry…
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Chaos at the North Pole With Christmas Eve Just a Week Away

We have big troubles at the North Pole today. Everything seems to be happening at once and not much of it is very good. The news from Santa's workshop continues to be pretty tough. We had a blizzard here the other day that knocked out power…
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Reindeer Games Reveal Some Surprises, Work Moves Forward on Santa’s Sleigh

The reindeer games continue at the North Pole as Santa's crew works to get everyone ready to fly on Christmas Eve. The games are as much about getting ready as they are about fun. For a reindeer to fly for Santa he has to be in the best shape…
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Worried Kids Flood North Pole Post Office with Concerns

Elf Hugo in the North Pole Post Office says yesterday's update about problems in Santa's workshop really brought in the email from the kids. So much so that even Santa called in to see what was going on. "Whoooo, boy!" Elf Bernard said.…
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Santa’s New Sleigh Just About Ready

I checked in on Elf Quinton today to see how preparations were coming on Santa's new sleigh. Believe it or not, Santa flies a new sleigh every year. It is redesigned from the ground up, made to go faster, fly higher and perform better in the…
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Operation Merry Christmas 2011 Launches!

Happy Thanksgiving and welcome to the first official news post of Operation Merry Christmas, LIVE from the North Pole! My name is Elf Ernest and I will be your North Pole news reoprter in this our 20th year of bringing you the Santa Updates…