Elves to Know at the North Pole

Elf Ernest

He’s quiet for an elf whose job it is to communicate with people. But he’s been on the job online since 1991, pioneering the oldest Santa Tracker on the Internet and heading the Public Relations Department at the North Pole. His responsibilities include the News Department, the Tracking Department and every Official North Pole website, app and social media channel. Read more about him at this link.

Elves 1

A force to be reckoned with, Elf Ed Zachary is the kind of elf you don’t want to provoke. He is a straight-shooter and can be blunt. He writes for the North Pole Gazette and keeps a column here on Santa Update called It’s an Elf’s Life. He is the most famous Santa defender in the world.

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Elf Hugo has one of the biggest jobs in the world – running the North Pole Post Office. He rarely takes a day off and his team never stops moving. He makes sure Santa gets the message. Hugo is frequently interviewed on North Pole Radio News, too. Read more about him at this link.

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Santa doesn’t just employ eight tiny reindeer — he’s got thousands! And the huge facility called Santa’s Stables here at the North Pole is run by Elf Victor. Not only does he care for the reindeer, but he organizes the annual reindeer games. Read more about him here.

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Santa is always hiring elves. Well, actually, Sandy Claus does it for him. She heads the Department of Elf Resources. She runs ElfHQ.com and keeps up on all the new elves hired at SantaTrackers.net. She’s a busy girl! Read more about her here.

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Santa’s workshop is a place just about any kid would want to visit. It is run by Elf Bernard — a very old, wise and plain spoken elf who understands the pressure of the season like no other person in the world. Charged with producing Operation Merry Christmas and filling Santa’s sack (and sleigh), Elf Bernard has been known to use any resource at his disposal — including Tooth Fairies — to make it happen.

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The wrapping department has a complex assignment — take every Santa surprise and make it look merry. And it’s a job every elf in the wrapping department takes very seriously. This merry bunch is lead by Elf Wally — a frenzied, high-energy and worried sort who always finds a way to get the job done before Santa takes flight.

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She may be the oldest elf at the North Pole — some say, she may be almost as old as Santa himself. She may move slow and be a little hard of hearing, but she has a heart of pure gold. She is a Christmas purist — and nothing happens at the North Pole in any department without her say-so. Elf Gloria makes sure the colors are right, that the bells ring true and that the spirit of the traditions of Christmas are preserved.

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Elf Seymour Snow and his team of elf-geeks sit around their computers and watch the weather around the world. They are responsible for weather tracking for Santa on Christmas Eve and for helping to make his flight plans each year. They have a huge, impossible job that constantly changes.

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Elf Dr. Lionel P. Spock has one mission every year: keep everyone well and free from the dreaded Bah-Hum Bug Bug — an ugly virus known to sap holiday cheer. He’s the medical expert here –and he’s saved the day many, many times.

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Elf Quinton is in charge of Santa’s sleigh. From setting new speed records to getting Santa safely back every year, Elf Quinton is the master of flight.

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We don’t know his real name, where he lives or exactly what he does for Santa. But he’s an important dude here at the North Pole. We call him Elf Agent X.

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He’s very short and despite his name he is very jolly. And he is also very smart. Elf Grumbles inspects all the toys made at the North Pole to ensure they are safe for kids to use. His is a big job.