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North Korea Protests to the North Pole

We have received official notice of a protest to the North Pole by the country of North Korea. Officials from that country are very upset and want to speak with Santa. According to reports from the Tracking Center there was what they are…
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Is it really a test flight?

News coming from the Tracking Center indicates that Santa just brushed by the capital city of Iran in the last little while. Many people there love Santa but the Iranian military and government does not and many elves here at the North Pole…
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Big Question: Do Elves go with Santa on Christmas Eve?

Returning to Santa's mailbag we received this question from 39 year old believer Hannah Watson, from Wales. Hannah wants to know: do any evles go with Santa on Christmas Eve. Nope. We're all very busy on Christmas Eve. We each have jobs…
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Tracking Center Lights Up with Reports of Test Flight Over North America

We're hearing from the Tracking Center that Elf Vernon's final test flight of Santa's sleigh is turning heads in North America. Just a short time ago an eyewitness from near Idaho Falls in the USA reported seeing a flash at a fairly low…
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24 Hours to Sleigh Launch

Tensions are running high at the North Pole as we mark just 24 hours left in our countdown until Santa officially launches the sleigh for Operation Merry Christmas 2013. The workshop is in chaos, with elves running around like mad trying…
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Sleigh Leaves on Historic Test Launch

Elf Vernon has launched in Santa's Sleigh for one final test flight, just a little more than 24 hours before Santa's actual launch for Operation Merry Christmas 2013. All the elves at the North Pole are talking about this. It is historic. "It's…
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Rumors of Final Test Flight for the Sleigh Abound

We're hearing some strange rumors right now about Santa's sleigh. There is a storm raging outside, as you know, and it has grounded the sleigh from further flight tests. But there is a rumor going around that Elf Quinton is going to send one…
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What if Santa’s Sleigh Cannot Be Fixed?

This question comes from many kids, but most recently from Kathryn in Lebanon: What if Santa's sleigh cannot be fixed? As you know from following here and at TrackingSanta.net, Santa has had a tough go with this year's sleigh. It seems like…
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Winter Blizzard Bears Down on the North Pole

A nasty winter storm has descended on the North Pole, slowing progress in several departments working on Operation Merry Christmas. Over at Santa's Stables Elf Victor was planning on taking the one-year-old reindeer out for their first flying…
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Elves Writing Christmas Poetry Today

Howdy Santa fans, Have you got the hang of TrackingSanta.net yet? Elf Billy wanted me to ask. It's Sunday here at the North Pole and that means another day of rest. There is a poetry contest Elf Beulah is running (Elf Beulah is an English…
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Test Flights Underway for Santa’s Sleigh

If you have been following along with news coming from the Tracking Center at Tracking Santa.net you already know that Santa's sleigh has been undergoing all kinds of test flights. In fact, recent problems in Africa in test flying the sleigh…
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Three Months Until Christmas Eve!

The time is going by so quickly this year! Maybe that's because it is so busy up here at the North Pole. Can you believe it is less than 3 months now until Christmas Eve? The weather has turned colder sooner -- in fact, we had our first snow…