Speed Record Falls as Santa Visits Australia Again
WOW! Santa is scorching hot as he speeds the sleigh back down south again, visiting Australia almost as I type this. The tracking center is reporting that Santa has just broken a speed record in his rush to get back to Australia. I asked…
Santa Changes Reindeer and Sleigh in Vladivostok
A quick visit to Vladivostok has made people there very happy where it is Christmas morning for them. And it is also a temporary home for Santa's reindeer, who will be resting there for a while. Santa has changed reindeer, driving now a…
Tonga Says Santa Has Been There
The island nation of Tonga is celebrating the visits of Santa Claus as this moments, our first reports of Santa's presence there was confirmed by spotters just moments ago. "Santa is spending a lot of time in the Southern Hemisphere…
Santa and Elf Victor Hitch Reindeer to the Sleigh
Santa will be launching within 30 minutes. The snow is blowing, swirling and sifting in the howling winds of the North Pole as near perfect white-out conditions exist for Santa's launch. Elf families are gathered around Santa and the sleigh,…
Replacement Sleigh Quickly Outfitted with Tuned Bells
Elves are rushing at this moment to fit the old sleigh with new bells as Santa switches gears here at the last minute. Can a 40-year-old sleigh do the job Santa needs to do tonight? That's the question on everyone's mind. Elf Gloria hours…
Santa and Reindeer Wake Up from Pre-flight Naps
Santa is just getting up from a brief nap and is being told the latest news. He will be meeting shortly with elves from the tracking center, the sleigh barn and the reindeer team to catch up on new developments of Operation Merry Christmas.…
Reindeer Sent to Bed
Word from Santa's Stables has just been received that Elf Victor has sent Santa's reindeer to bed. If they fall asleep now they will get better than 8 hours of sleep before launching with Santa later tonight. Santa's Stables are located…
Rumors of Final Test Flight for the Sleigh Abound
We're hearing some strange rumors right now about Santa's sleigh. There is a storm raging outside, as you know, and it has grounded the sleigh from further flight tests. But there is a rumor going around that Elf Quinton is going to send one…
Big Question: Are the Reindeer Boys or Girls?
Many of you have sent us this question. It is worthy of a straight answer. According to Elf Victor, Santa has both boy reindeer and girl reindeer. They all have talents and they all have a part to play during Operation Merry Christmas. Santa…
North Pole in Chaos as Christmas Approaches
Monday morning has dawned and things are very, very busy at the North Pole. My department here in Public Relations is about as busy as any department here right now. We have set up the newsdesk and are putting the pieces in place to broadcast…
Winter Blizzard Bears Down on the North Pole
A nasty winter storm has descended on the North Pole, slowing progress in several departments working on Operation Merry Christmas. Over at Santa's Stables Elf Victor was planning on taking the one-year-old reindeer out for their first flying…
Reindeer Games Winner Announced
After days of competition at the Reindeer games we have a winner! This year's winner is a surprise. The top prize went to a young buck named Quincy, a 2 year old Finland native who was competing in the games for the first time. He beat out…